Tuesday, November 11, 2008

When will it stop?? Ooops, it's just starting!!

I must have been the only one born to the premise that we are accountable for our actions! It was only a matter of time before every corporate enterprise that has made poor decisions is being bailed out. $85 billion wasn't enough to help AIG have corporate boondoggles whilst also getting itself out of the paper shithole it got itself into. Now it wants/has $150 billion...the $700 billion wasn't enough...now the intrepid 3rd-in-line-to-the-Presidency wants us to bail out the manufacturers of Hummers, Tahoes, Jeeps, and Expeditions because they continue to litter all of the car dealers with more gas guzzlers. Soon the auto dealers will want bailed out because they can't pay their short term loans that were used to purchase the guzzlers. Can someone tell me why we have to produce more cars/trucks anyway when every car lot I pass has enough cars/trucks to provide one for most people on the highways driving a new car anyway! And Democrat haven Massachusetts is trying to make these electric cars illegal!! Go figure! http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,449824,00.html

I feel sorry for the Lehman Brothers workers who weren't bailed out--yet AIG was...what political god(s) gets to determine companies' fates? Those who caused the issues to begin with? Barnie Frank, Chris Dodd, Jamie Gorelick...funny, Jamie Gorelick's name is being tossed about as possible Atty General in this new administration--hmmmmmmm--as former Vice Chair of Fannie Mae during its recent "heyday", she made $25 million dollars in salary. As Atty General, I bet she won't investigate herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Sit tight, hold on, this is going to be a good one! Oh, yes, and Bill Richardson as possible Secretary of State--can't we all just get along! The number 2 vote getter in the Democratic Primary might be called to be Secretary of HHS--isn't that nice...I am sure Hill will tell Barry to shove that one!!!


tiff brown said...

just like dominos...

tiff brown said...

it will be very disappointing if the large car manufacturers are bailed out. why free them from the tar pit when they're are bound venture right back into it?